=head1 NAME DBIx::Class::Schema::Config - Manage connection credentials for DBIx::Class::Schema in a file. =head1 DESCRIPTION DBIx::Class::Schema::Config is a subclass of DBIx::Class::Schema that allows the loading of credentials from a file. The actual code itself would only need to know about the name used in the configuration file. This aims to make it simpler for operations teams to manage database credentials. =head1 SYNOPSIS /etc/dbic.yaml MY_DATABASE: dsn: "rbi:Pg:host=localhost;database=blog" user: "TheDoctor" password: "dnoPydoleM" TraceLevel: 1 package My::Schema use warnings; use strict; use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Config'; __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces; package My::Code; use warnings; use strict; use My::Schema; my $schema = My::Schema->connect('MY_DATABASE'); =head1 CONFIG FILES This module will load the files in the following order if they exist: =over 4 =item * ./dbic.* =item * ~/.dbic.* =item * /etc/dbic.* =back The files should have an extension that L<Config::Any> recognizes, for example /etc/dbic.B<yaml>. NOTE: The first available credential will be used. Therefore I<DATABASE> in ~/.dbic.yaml will only be looked at if it was not found in ./dbic.yaml. If there are duplicates in one file (such that DATABASE is listed twice in ~/.dbic.yaml,) the first configuration will be used. =head1 CHANGE CONFIG PATH Use C<__PACKAGE__-E<gt>config_paths([( '/file/stub', '/var/www/etc/dbic')]);> to change the paths that are searched. For example: package My::Schema use warnings; use strict; use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Config'; __PACKAGE__->config_paths([( '/var/www/secret/dbic', '/opt/database' )]); The above code would have I</var/www/secret/dbic.*> and I</opt/database.*> searched, in that order. As above, the first credentials found would be used. This will replace the files origionally searched for, not add to them. =head1 OVERRIDING The API has been designed to be simple to override if you have additional needs in loading DBIC configurations. =head2 filter_loaded_credentials Override this function if you want to change the loaded credentials before they are passed to DBIC. This is useful for use-cases that include decrypting encrypted passwords or making progamatic changes to the configuration before using it. sub filter_loaded_credentials { my ( $class, $loaded_credentials, $connect_args ) = @_; ... return $loaded_credentials; } C<$loaded_credentials> is the structure after it has been loaded from the configuration file. In this case, C<$loaded_credentials-E<gt>{user}> eq B<WalterWhite> and C<$loaded_credentials-E<gt>{dsn}> eq B<DBI:mysql:database=students;host=%s;port=3306>. C<$connect_args> is the structure originally passed on C<-E<gt>connect()> after it has been turned into a hash. For instance, C<-E<gt>connect('DATABASE', 'USERNAME')> will result in C<$connect_args-E<gt>{dsn}> eq B<DATABASE> and C<$connect_args-E<gt>{user}> eq B<USERNAME>. Additional parameters can be added by appending a hashref, to the connection call, as an example, C<-E<gt>connect( 'CONFIG', { hostname =E<lt> "db.foo.com" } );> will give C<$connect_args> a structure like C<{ dsn =E<lt> 'CONFIG', hostname =E<lt> "db.foo.com" }>. For instance, if you want to use hostnames when you make the initial connection to DBIC and are using the configuration primarily for usernames, passwords and other configuration data, you can create a config like the following: DATABASE: dsn: "DBI:mysql:database=students;host=%s;port=3306" user: "WalterWhite" password: "relykS" In your Schema class, you could include the following: package My::Schema use warnings; use strict; use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Config'; sub filter_loaded_credentials { my ( $class, $loaded_credentials, $connect_args ) = @_; if ( $loaded_credentials->{dsn} =~ /\%s/ ) { $loaded_credentials->{dsn} = sprintf( $loaded_credentials->{dsn}, $connect_args->{hostname}); } } __PACKAGE__->load_classes; 1; Then the connection could be done with C<$Schema-E<gt>connect('DATABASE', { hostname => 'my.hostname.com' });> See L</load_credentials> for more complex changes that require changing how the configuration itself is loaded. =head2 load_credentials Override this function to change the way that L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Config> loads credentials. The function takes the class name, as well as a hashref. If you take the route of having C<-E<gt>connect('DATABASE')> used as a key for whatever configuration you are loading, I<DATABASE> would be C<$config-E<gt>{dsn}> Some::Schema->connect( "SomeTarget", "Yuri", "Yawny", { TraceLevel => 1 } ); Would result in the following data structure as $config in C<load_credentials($class, $config)>: { dsn => "SomeTarget", user => "Yuri", password => "Yawny", TraceLevel => 1, } Currently, load_credentials will NOT be called if the first argument to C<-E<gt>connect()> looks like a valid DSN. This is determined by match the DSN with C</^dbi:/i>. The function should return the same structure. For instance: package My::Schema use warnings; use strict; use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Config'; use LWP::Simple; use JSON # Load credentials from internal web server. sub load_credentials { my ( $class, $config ) = @_; return decode_json( get( "http://someserver.com/v1.0/database?key=somesecret&db=" . $config->{dsn} )); } __PACKAGE__->load_classes; =head1 AUTHOR SymKat I<E<lt>symkat@symkat.comE<gt>> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This is free software licensed under a I<BSD-Style> License. Please see the LICENSE file included in this package for more detailed information. =head1 AVAILABILITY The latest version of this software is available at GitHub https://github.com/symkat/DBIx-Class-Schema-Config