Test-C2FIT version 0.02

Test::C2FIT is a direct Perl port of Ward Cunningham's FIT 
acceptance test framework for Java.


    FileRunner.pl input_containing_fit_tests.html test_results.html


Great software requires collaboration and communication. Fit is a tool for
enhancing collaboration in software development. It's an invaluable way
to collaborate on complicated problems - and get them right - early
in development.

Fit allows customers, testers, and programmers to learn what their 
software should do and what it does do. It automatically compares
customers' expectations to actual results.

This port of FIT has a featureset that lies somewhere between
Java versions b021021j and v1.1 of FIT.  Dave W. Smith's original port
was based on fit-b021021j and I've updated most of the core to match the
1.1 version.

This port passes the current FIT spec and also implements a subset of the
examples, including the complex MusicExample.


1) Java is a strongly typed language; Perl is not. The Java version of FIT
cares a lot about types, but Perl takes a more relaxed view of things and
this port reflects that.

2) Perl supports limited introspection. Because there are no method signatures,
it isn't possible to determine method return types. Without known return
types, the "right" TypeAdapters can't be set up. This can cause problems
with RowFixtures and ActionFixtures.

3) Some of the tests from the 'examples' directory expect Java behaviour for
arithmetic (e.g. integer overflow).  Perl doesn't have this type of overflow
so these tests will "fail".

4) The MusicExample uses a clock that doesn't have millisecond accuracy. This
throws off the clock by a second during one of the tests.

5) Perl supports a limited set of primitive types. Dave has used a
GenericTypeAdapter that knows about strings and numbers (and pretends
to know about booleans).


Extensive and up-to-date documentation on FIT can be found at:

The 'examples' directory of this distribution contains some sample FIT
tests and sample applications that they test.  Invoke FileRunner.pl on
any of the test input files from examples/input and view the output in
a browser.

You should also examine and run the tests in the 'spec' directory.
These are FIT's own acceptance tests.


Original port from the Java version by Dave W. Smith
Updates and modifications by Tony Byrne <fit4perl@byrnehq.com>
Most recent changes (May 2006) by Martin Busik <martin.busik@busik.de>


Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc.
Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  Test::Unit 0.24 - Required to run the unit tests.
  Error           - Implements exception handling.


Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc.
Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.