#!/usr/bin/env perl

=head1 NAME

ddg.pl -- Query the Duck Duck Go search engine.


In the shell:

    $ ddg.pl duck duck go
    $ ddg.pl '!date longcat'

Or in your program:

    do 'ddg.pl';
    my $result = ddg($query);


use JSON::PP;
use HTTP::Tiny;

sub ddg
    my $q = shift;
    my $h = HTTP::Tiny->new;
    my $res = $h->get(
            . $h->www_form_urlencode({
                format => 'json',
                q => $q
    die unless $res->{success};
    $res = decode_json($res->{content});
    for (keys %$res) {
        delete $res->{$_} if $res->{$_} eq '';

if (!defined caller) {
    eval 'use Data::Dumper';
    print Dumper(ddg("@ARGV"));



C<ddg.pl> provides basic access to the Duck Duck Go search engine API.
It supplies a single function, C<ddg>, which takes a query string and
returns the API result as a hash reference.  It has no non-core
dependencies on Perl 5.14 or newer, and requires only L<HTTP::Tiny>
and L<JSON::PP> on older Perls.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The Duck Duck Go API page, L<http://duckduckgo.com/api.html>.

L<WWW::DuckDuckGo>, a heavier and more full-featured module.

L<App::DuckDuckGo>, a heavier command-line program.

=head1 AUTHOR

Sean O'Rourke, E<lt>seano@cpan.orgE<gt>

Bug reports welcome, patches even more welcome.


Copyright (C) 2012 Sean O'Rourke.  All rights reserved, some wrongs
reversed.  This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl
