NAME Emoji::NationalFlag - convert from country code to national flag emoji SYNOPSIS use Emoji::NationalFlag qw/ code2flag flag2code /; use utf8; is code2flag('jp'), "��������"; is code2flag('jp'), "\x{1F1EF}\x{1F1f5}"; is flag2code("��������"), 'jp'; is flag2code("\x{1F1EF}\x{1F1f5}"), 'jp'; DESCRIPTION Emoji::NationalFlag is a module to convert from country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) to national flag emoji, and vice versa METHODS code2flag($iso_3166_1_alpha_2_code): Optional[NationalFlagEmoji] This method returns national flag emoji if the supplied code (case insensitive) is valid, otherwise returns undef flag2code($decoded_national_flag_emoji): Optional[lc(CountryCodeAlpha-2)] This method returns lower case of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code if the supplied emoji is valid, otherwise returns undef AUTHOR punytan <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2017- punytan LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO