HTML::GoogleMaps - a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API

      $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => $map_key,
                                   db => $geo_coder_us_db);
      $map->center(point => "1810 Melrose St, Madison, WI");
      $map->add_marker(point => "1210 W Dayton St, Madison, WI");
      my ($head, $body) = $map->render;

    HTML::GoogleMaps provides a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API.
    It allows you to easily create maps with markers, polylines and
    information windows. If you have Geo::Coder::US installed, it will be
    able to do basic geocoding for US addresses.

    $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => $map_key);
        Creates a new HTML::GoogleMaps object. Takes a hash of options. The
        only required option is *key*, which is your Google Maps API key.
        You can get a key at .
        Other valid options are:

        db => Geo::Coder::US database
            If given, the add_marker and add_polyline methods will be able
            to map US addresses, as well as longitude/latitude pairs.

        height => height in pixels
        width => width in pixels

        Center the map at a given point.

        Set the zoom level

    $map->controls($control1, $control2)
        Enable the given controls. Valid controls are: large_map_control,
        small_map_control, small_zoom_control and map_type_control.

        Enable or disable dragging.

        Enable or disable info windows.

        Set the map type. Either map_type or satellite_type.

    $map->add_icon(name => $icon_name, image => $image_url, shadow =>
    $shadow_url, image_size => [ $width, $height ], shadow_size => [ $width,
    $height ]);
        Adds a new icon, which can later be used by add_marker. Optional
        args include icon_anchor and info_window_anchor.

    $map->add_marker(point => $point, html => $info_window_html)
        Add a marker to the map at the given point. If html is specified,
        add a popup info window as well. icon can be used to switch to
        either a user defined icon (via the name) or a standard google
        letter icon (A-J).

    $map->add_polyline(points => [ $point1, $point2 ])
        Add a polyline that connects the list of points. Other options
        include color (any valid HTML color), weight (line width in pixels)
        and opacity (between 0 and 1).

        Renders the map and returns a two element list. The first element
        needs to be placed in the head section of your HTML document. The
        second in the body where you want the map to appear.


    <> <>

    Nate Mueller <>