Lingua::Sinica::PerlYuYan - Perl in Classical Chinese in Perl - ���������

    our $VERSION = 1257343877.45504; # 2009���11��� 4��� ������ 22���11���25��� CST

        # The Sieve of Eratosthenes - ���������������������
        use Lingua::Sinica::PerlYuYan;

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    This module makes it possible to write Perl programs in Classical
    Chinese poetry in Perl.


    (If one *has* to ask "Why?", please refer to Lingua::Romana::Perligata
    for related information.)


    This module uses the single-character property of Chinese to
    disambiguate between keywords, so one may elide whitespaces much like in
    real Chinese writings.

    The vocabulary is in the ������ (literary text) mode, not the common ������
    (spoken text) mode with multisyllabic words.

    "Lingua::Sinica::PerlYuYan::translate()" (or simply as "���()") translates
    a string containing English programs into Chinese.

    Filter::Simple::Compile, Lingua::Romana::Perligata

CC0 1.0 Universal
    To the extent possible under law, ������ has waived all copyright and
    related or neighboring rights to Lingua-Sinica-PerlYuYan.

    This work is published from Taiwan.
