NAME rig - import groups of favorite/related modules with a single expression VERSION version 0.03 SYNOPSIS In your "/home/user/.perlrig" yaml file: favorite: use: - strict - warnings - List::Util: - first - max - Data::Dumper Back in your code: use rig favorite; # same as: # use strict; # use warnings; # use List::Util qw/first max/; # use Data::Dumper; # now have a ball: print first { $_ > 10 } @ary; # from List::Utils; print Dumper $foo; # from Data::Dumper DESCRIPTION This module allows you to organize and bundle your favorite modules, thus reducing the recurring task of "use"ing them in your programs, and implicitly requesting imports by default. You can rig your bundles in 2 places: * A file called ".perlrig" in your home or current working directory. * Packages undeneath the "rig::task::<rig_task_name">, for better portability. IMPLEMENTATION This module uses lots of internal "goto"s to trick modules to think they're being loaded by the original caller, and not by "rig" itself. It also hooks into "import" to keep modules loading after a "goto". Modules that don't have an "import()" method are instead "eval"led into the caller's package. This is somewhat hacky, there are probably better ways of achieving the same results. We're open to suggestions on how to make loading modules more generic and effective. Just fork me on Github! USAGE Code use rig -file => '/tmp/.rig'; # explicitly use a file use rig -engine => 'base'; # chooses the current engine use rig -path => qw(. /home/me /opt); # not implemented yet use rig moose, strictness, modernity; use rig 'kensho'; # loads a rig called kensho use rig ':kensho'; # skips files, goes straight to rig::task::kensho use rig 'kensho::strictive'; # skips files, uses rig::task::kensho::strictive use rig 'signes'; ".perlrig" YAML structure <task>: use: - <module> [min_version] - +<module> - <module>: - <export1> - <export2> - ... also: <task2> [, <task3> ... ] use section * Lists modules to be "use"d. * Checks module versions (optional). * Lists exports (optional). By default, modules in your rig are imported by calling "import". Alternatively, a plus sign "+" can be used in front of the module to force it to be loaded using the "eval" method, as such: eval "package <your_package>; use <module>;" This may be useful to workaround issues with using import when none is available and "rig" fails to detect a missing import method, or things are just not working as expected. also section Used to bundle tasks into each other. Examples modernity: use: - strict - warnings - feature: - say - switch moose: use: - Moose 1.0 - Moose::Autobox - autodie - Method::Signatures - Try::Tiny goo: use: - strict - warnings - Data::Dumper - Data::Alias - autodie also: modernity bam: use: - List::Util: - first - max - min - Scalar::Util: - refaddr - Carp: - cluck - croak The .perlrig file The .perlrig file is where you keep your favorite rigs. As mentioned earlier, "rig" looks for a ".perlrig" file in two directories by default: * The current working directory. * Your home directory. Important: only one rig file is loaded per "perl" interpreter instance. This will probably change in the future, as ".perlrig" file merging should be implemented. Structure It could have had room to put your funky startup code, but it doesn't. This module is about order and parseability. Having a structured file written in plain yaml makes it easier for worldly parsers to parse the file and understand your configuration. Global Configuration Use the $ENV{PERLRIG_FILE} variable to tell "rig" where to find your file. $ export PERLRIG_FILE=/etc/myrig $ perl rig::task:: modules A more distribution-friendly way of wiring up module bundles for your application is to ship them as part of the "rig::task::" namespace. package rig::task::myfav; sub rig { return { use => [ 'strict', { 'warnings'=> [ 'FATAL','all' ] } ], also => 'somethingelse', }; } This is the recommended way to ship a rig with your distribution. It makes your distribution portable, no ".perlrig" file is required. Out-of-the-box rig tasks This module comes with 2 internal rigs defined: * Modern rig::task::modern * Red rig::task::red Writing your own parser Although this distribution only comes with a yaml parser for the .perlrig file. you can still write your own parser if you like: package rig::parser::xml; use base 'rig::parser::base'; sub parse { return .... } # meanwhile in Gotham City: package main; use rig -parser => 'xml'; use rig 'fav-in-xml'; CAVEATS Although short, the api and yaml specs are still unstable and are subject to change. Mild thought has been put into it as to support modifications without major deprecations. Startup Cost There's an upfront load time (on the first "use rig" it finds) while "rig" looks for, parses and processes your ".perlrig" file. Subsequent calls won't look for any more files, as its structure will remain loaded in memory. Ordered Load As of right now, module loading order tends to get messed up easily. This will probably be fixed, as the author's intention is to load modules following the order set by the user in the ".perlrig" and "use rig" statements. ON NAMING THIS PACKAGE The authors feel that "rig" is a short name that is good for one-liners. It's lowercase because we feel it's a pragma-like module that augments the functionality of "use". But "rig" is a unique enough name as to avoid clashing with future Perl pragmas. We're sorry if it hurts anyone's lowercase sensibility. TODO * Create a class to hold the perlrig definition. * Use Config::Any or similar for more agnostic and advanced file loading. * Straighten out and optimize internals. * Test many more modules for edge cases. * More verbs besides "use" and "also", such as require, etc. * A cookbook of some sort, with everyday examples. * More tests. * Fix load sequence. SEE ALSO Toolkit - uses filters and "AUTOLOAD" to accomplish its import magic. ToolSet - employs "use base" and "package ...; eval ...".