NAME XHTML::Instrumented - packages to control XHTML VERSION Version 0.092 DESCRIPTION This package takes valid XHTML as input and outputs valid XHTML that may be changed in several ways. SYNOPSIS use XHTML::Instrumented; my $dom = XHTML::Instrumented->new( path => '/var/www/html', type => 'nl', default_type => 'en', name => 'index', cachepath => '/tmp/the_cache_path/', # run time replace_name => 'home', # compile time filter => sub { my $tag = shift; my $args = shift; if (my $path = $args->{href}) { } }, }; This will load the file "/var/www/html/nl/index.html" or if that is not found "/var/www/html/en/index.html" or an exception will be thrown. You can also directly input html, although this is mainly used for testing. use XHTML::Instrumented; my $dom = XHTML::Instrumented->new( name => \"<html><head></head><body>hi</body></html>", ); You can also directly give a complete filename. use XHTML::Instrumented; my $dom = XHTML::Instrumented->new( filename => '/var/www/html/en/index.html', ); API Constructor new The new() constructor method instantiates a new "XHTML::Intrumented" object. The template is either compiled or loaded as well. The parameters to the constructor are describe in more detail in the descriptions of the methods with the same name path() name() type() default_type() extension() filename() cachepath() replace_name() There is also a "filter" parameter: it is a call-back that allows the arguments to "tags" to be modified at compile time. Get a XHTML::Instrumented object. Accessor Methods filename This the complete name (path and filename) of the file that was compiled to create the object. If the input was not from a file this will be undefined. This is either build up from the path, type or default_type, name and extension values or is set directly by the constructor. path This is the base path to the input file. It is set by an argument to the constructor. name This is the base name of the input file. It is set by an argument to the constructor. type This is the default type of the input file. This is really just an extra element to the path. It is set by an argument to the constructor. default_type If the file is not found using the "type" then this is tried. extension This is the extension to the file. It defaults to ".html' and can be set by the constructor. cachepath This is the base directory where the *cache file* will be stored. It is set by an argument to the constructor. cachefilename This is the full name of the *cache file*. replace_name This is the default name of the file that will be used by the *:replace* operator. Methods output This returns the modified xhtml. head This returns the html between the Head tags! get_form This returns a form object. loop() Get a "loop" control object. headers => [array of headers] data => [arrays of data] default => default value for any undefined data inclusive => include the tag that started the loop inclusive is normally controlled in the template. replace This return a general control object. I can control 4 actions: replace the arguments to a tag. replace the content of a tag. remove the tag it self. args "args" is a helper function. It is the same as: replace(args => { @_ }); Functions get_tag('tag') Return a list of XHTML::Intramented::Entry objects that have type 'tag'; Functions Both of these functions are used internally by the XHTML::Instrumented and are only listed here for completeness. parse(input) This causes the input to be parsed. if *input* is a string it is assumed to be a filename. If *input* is a SCALAR is is treated as HTML; instrument() This function take the template and the control structure and returns a block of XHTML. AUTHOR "G. Allen Morris III" <> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (C) 2007-2008 G. Allen Morris III, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.