NAME Task::Error::Pure - Install the Error::Pure modules. SYNOPSIS cpanm Task::Error::Pure SEE ALSO Error::Pure Perl module for structured errors. Error::Pure::AllError Error::Pure module with full backtrace. Error::Pure::Always Perl module for rewrite die by err from Error::Pure module. Error::Pure::Die Error::Pure module with classic die. Error::Pure::Error Error::Pure module with error on one line with informations. Error::Pure::ErrorList Error::Pure module with list of errors in one line with informations. Error::Pure::HTTP::AllError Error::Pure module with full backtrace over HTTP. Error::Pure::HTTP::Error Error::Pure module with error on one line over HTTP. Error::Pure::HTTP::ErrorList Error::Pure module with list of errors in one line with informations over HTTP. Error::Pure::HTTP::JSON Error::Pure module for JSON output over HTTP. Error::Pure::HTTP::JSON::Advance Error::Pure module for JSON output with additional parameters over HTTP. Error::Pure::HTTP::Print Error::Pure module for simple error print over HTTP. Error::Pure::JSON Error::Pure module for JSON output. Error::Pure::JSON::Advance Error::Pure module for JSON output with additional parameters. Error::Pure::NoDie Error::Pure module for simple print instead die. Error::Pure::Output::JSON Output JSON subroutines for Error::Pure. Error::Pure::Output::Text Output subroutines for Error::Pure. Error::Pure::Output::Tags::HTMLCustomPage Error::Pure HTML output helper. Error::Pure::Print Error::Pure module for simple error print. Error::Pure::PrintVar Error::Pure module for simple error print with all variables. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal ��pa��ek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT �� 2015 Michal ��pa��ek Artistic License BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.03