NAME Config::Fast - extremely fast configuration file parser SYNOPSIS # default config format is a space-separated file company "Supercool, Inc." support # and then in Perl use Config::Fast; %cf = fastconfig; print "Thanks for visiting $cf{company}!\n"; print "Please contact $cf{support} for support.\n"; DESCRIPTION This module is designed to provide an extremely lightweight way to parse moderately complex configuration files. As such, it exports a single function - "fastconfig()" - and does not provide any OO access methods. Still, it is fairly full-featured. Here's how it works: %cf = fastconfig($file, $delim); Basically, the "fastconfig()" function returns a hash of keys and values based on the directives in your configuration file. By default, directives and values are separated by whitespace in the config file, but this can be easily changed with the delimiter argument (see below). When the configuration file is read, its modification time is first checked and the results cached. On each call to "fastconfig()", if the config file has been changed, then the file is reread. Otherwise, the cached results are returned automatically. This makes this module great for "mod_perl" modules and scripts, one of the primary reasons I wrote it. Simply include this at the top of your script or inside of your constructor function: my %cf = fastconfig('/path/to/config/file.conf'); If the file argument is omitted, then "fastconfig()" looks for a file named "$0.conf" in the "../etc" directory relative to the executable. For example, if you ran: /usr/local/bin/myapp Then "fastconfig()" will automatically look for: /usr/local/etc/myapp.conf This is great if you're really lazy and always in a hurry, like I am. If this doesn't work for you, simply supply a filename manually. Note that filename generation does not work in "mod_perl", so you'll need to supply a filename manually. FILE FORMAT By default, your configuration file is split up on the first white space it finds. Subsequent whitespace is preserved intact - quotes are not needed (but you can include them if you wish). For example, this: company Hardwood Flooring Supplies, Inc. Would result in: $cf{company} = 'Hardwood Flooring Supplies, Inc.'; Of course, you can use the delimiter argument to change the delimiter to anything you want. To read Bourne shell style files, you would use: %cf = fastconfig($file, '='); This would let you read a file of the format: system=Windows kernel=sortof In all formats, any space around the value is stripped. This is one situation where you must include quotes: greeting=" Some leading and trailing space " Each configuration directive is read sequentially and placed in the hash. If the same directive is present multiple times, the last one will override any earlier ones. In addition, you can reuse previously-defined variables by preceding them with a "$" sign. Hopefully this seems logical to you. owner Bill Johnson company $owner and Company, Ltd. website products $website/newproducts.html Of course, you can include literal characters by escaping them: price \$5.00 streetname "Guido \"The Enforcer\" Scorcese" verbatim 'Single "quotes" are $$ money @ night' fileregex '(\.exe|\.bat)$' Basically, this modules attempts to mimic, as closely as possible, Perl's own single and double quoting conventions. Variable names are case-insensitive by default (see "KEEPCASE"). In this example, the last setting of "ORACLE_HOME" will win: oracle_home /oracle Oracle_Home /oracle/orahome1 ORACLE_HOME /oracle/OraHome2 In addition, variables are converted to lowercase before being returned from "fastconfig()", meaning you would access the above as: print $cf{oracle_home}; # /oracle/OraHome2 Speaking of which, an extra nicety is that this module will setup environment variables for any ALLCAPS variables you define. So, the above "ORACLE_HOME" variable will automatically be stuck into %ENV. But you would still access it in your program as "oracle_home". This may seem confusing at first, but once you use it, I think you'll find it makes sense. Finally, if called in a scalar context, then variables will be imported directly into the "main::" namespace, just like if you had defined them yourself: use Config::Fast; fastconfig('web.conf'); print "The web address is: $website\n"; # website from conf Generally, this is regarded as dangerous and bad form, so I would strongly advise using this form only in throwaway scripts, or not at all. VARIABLES There are several global variables that can be set which affect how "fastconfig()" works. These can be set in the following way: use Config::Fast; $Config::Fast::VARIABLE = 'value'; %cf = fastconfig; The recognized variables are: $DELIM The config file delimiter to use. This can also be specified as the second argument to "fastconfig()". This defaults to "\s+". $KEEPCASE If set to 1, then "MixedCaseVariables" are maintained intact. By default, all variables are converted to lowercase. $ENVCAPS If set to 0, then any "ALLCAPS" variables are *not* set as environment variables. %CONVERT This is a hash of regex patterns specifying values that should be converted before being returned. By default, values that look like "true|on|yes" will be converted to 1, and values that match "false|off|no" will be converted to 0. You could set your own conversions with: $Config::Fast::CONVERT{'fluffy|chewy'} = 'taffy'; This would convert any settings of "fluffy" or "chewy" to "taffy". NOTES Variables starting with a leading underscore are considered reserved and should not be used in your config file, unless you enjoy painfully mysterious behavior. For a much more full-featured config module, check out "Config::ApacheFormat". It can handle Apache style blocks, array values, etc, etc. This one is supposed to be fast and easy. VERSION $Id:,v 1.5 2005/10/11 23:46:22 nwiger Exp $ AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nathan Wiger <>. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you may copy this under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or the Artistic License, copies of which should have accompanied your Perl kit.