#   $Id: README 103 2014-05-27 14:28:14Z adam $

XML/RSS/Tools version 0.34

RSS/RDF feeds are commonly available ways of distributing the latest news
about a given web site for news syndication. This module provides a VERY
high level way of manipulating them. You can easily use LWP, the XML::RSS
and XML::LibXSLT do to this yourself.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Build.PL
   ./Build test
   ./Build install

WARNING: During the install it will try to connect to the Internet to
test the HTTP toolchain.


This module requires these other non-core modules for full functionality:

  LWP or HTTP::GHTTP or HTTP::Lite or WWW::Curl::Easy

XML::RSS older versions than version 1.0 have a number of defects and
limitations, please upgrade if possible.

XML::LibXML and XML::LibXSLT rely on the GNOME libxml2 and libxslt
libraries which need to be installed before attempting to install the
Perl modules. XML Catalog support in certain versions of XML::LibXML
may be broken if you are unable to use Catalogs please let me know so
that I can better document the module.

Please be aware that the API to the URI module changed, at version 1.32,
and hence how you use the file scheme changed, see the URI changelog for
more details.


To keep CPAN trim, older versions of this module will be continually
culled as newer versions are loaded. Older versions are available
upon request.


XML::RSS::Tools, Copyright (C) Adam John Trickett 2002-2014

See POD for full details.