# http://www.cs.dal.ca/~vlado/srcperl/report-new.pl
# Copyright 2000-7 Vlado Keselj www.cs.dal.ca/~vlado

sub help { print STDERR <<"#EOT" }
# Report new material on a web page, version $VERSION
# The program normally runs as a cron job, so the result is sent as an
# e-mail if it something changes.  It is convenient for keeping a
# watch on interesting web pages.  It uses diff, lynx or wget,
# sendmail (if option -e is used)
# Usage: report-new.pl [switches] URL
#  -h    Print help and exit.
#  -v    Print version of the program and exit.
#  -e email Sends output, if not empty, to email.
#  -D dir  Working directory.  By default, ${HOME}/agn is used if
#        exists, otherwise the current directory.
#  -d method Dumping method.  The default is lynx_txt; the other
#        option is wget.
#  -g    Debugging mode.  The new file is not fetched, but the program
#        reruns on the last two different versions of the page.
#  -p procf  Input processor.  There is supposed to be a file named
#        procf that can be 'require'-ed, in Perl sense, which defines
#        a subroutine named procf, which is used to filter the file
#        before making diff.  The escape string '!KEEP: ' can be left
#        at the beginning of the lines which we want to appear in diff
#        whenever there is a difference.
# More documentation included close to the end of the source file.

use strict vars;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Carp;

use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%d", q$Revision: 1.16 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;

use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw($opt_v $opt_h $opt_e $opt_d $opt_D $opt_p $opt_g);

if ($opt_v) { print "$VERSION\n"; exit; }
elsif ($opt_h || !@ARGV) { &help(); exit; }

my $dump = \&dump_lynx_txt;
if ($opt_d ne '') {
    if   ($opt_d eq 'lynx_txt') { $dump = \&dump_lynx_txt }
    elsif($opt_d eq 'wget'    ) { $dump = \&dump_wget     }
    else { &help(); print STDERR "error: '-d $opt_d'"; exit -1; }

if ($opt_D eq '') {
    if (-d $ENV{HOME}."/agn") { $opt_D = $ENV{HOME}."/agn" }
    else { $opt_D = '.' }
} elsif (! -d $opt_D ) { die "directory \"$opt_D\" does not exist" }

($#ARGV==0 && $ARGV[0]=~/^http:\/\//) ||
    die "Format: report-new.pl http://...\n";

my ($urlbase, $url);
$urlbase = $url = shift;   # E.g.: http://www.cs.dal.ca/~vlado/srcperl
if ( $url =~ m.//[^/]*/. )
{ $urlbase = $`.$& }	   # E.g.: http://www.cs.dal.ca/

my $urlId = &encode_w1($url);
my $timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%T", localtime(time));

if (! -d "$opt_D/tmp")
{ mkdir "$opt_D/tmp", 0700 or die "can't mkdir $opt_D/tmp: $!" }
if (! -d "$opt_D/report-new.pl.d")
{ mkdir "$opt_D/report-new.pl.d", 0700 or die "can't mkdir $opt_D/report-new.pl.d: $!" }
chdir $opt_D;

my $TmpBase   = "$opt_D/tmp/$urlId-$timestamp";
my $TmpFile1  = "$TmpBase-1";
my $TmpFile2  = "$TmpBase-2";
my $lastFile  = "$opt_D/report-new.pl.d/$urlId.last";
-e $lastFile or putfile($lastFile,'');
my $lastFile1 = "$opt_D/report-new.pl.d/$urlId.last-1";
-e $lastFile1 or putfile($lastFile1,'');

# First step: fetch the page, unless option -g is given
if (! $opt_g ) {
    &$dump($url, $TmpFile1);
    my $f1 = getfile($lastFile);
    my $f2 = getfile($TmpFile1);
    if ($f1 eq $f2) { rename($TmpFile1, $lastFile); &_exit(0); }  # nothing changed, exit
    rename($lastFile, $lastFile1);
    rename($TmpFile1, $lastFile);

my $material  = getfile($lastFile);
my $material1 = getfile($lastFile1);
if ($opt_p) {
    require $opt_p;
    $material  = &$opt_p($material);
    $material1 = &$opt_p($material1);
putfile($TmpFile1, $material);
putfile($TmpFile2, $material1);
my $diffres = `diff $TmpFile1 $TmpFile2 2>&1`;
$diffres =~ s/^[^<].*\n//mg;
$diffres =~ s/^< //mg;

if ($diffres ne '') {

    if ($opt_p && index($material, '!KEEP: ') > -1) {
	$material =~ s/^!KEEP: //mg;
	putfile($TmpFile1, $material);
	$diffres = `diff $TmpFile1 $TmpFile2 2>&1`;
	$diffres =~ s/^[^<].*\n//mg;
	$diffres =~ s/^< //mg;

    if ($opt_e) {
        my $out;
        open($out, "|sendmail -t") or die;
	print $out "To: $opt_e\n".
	     "Subject: [report-new.pl] $url\n\n$diffres";
    else { print $diffres }


sub _exit {
    my $r = shift;
    unlink $TmpFile1 if -e $TmpFile1;
    unlink $TmpFile2 if -e $TmpFile2;
    exit $r;

sub putfile($@) {
    my $f = shift;
    local *F;
    open(F, ">$f") or die "putfile:cannot open $f:$!";
    print F '' unless @_;
    while (@_) { print F shift(@_) }

sub encode_w1( $ ) {
    local $_ = shift;
    s/[\W_]/'_'.uc unpack("H2",$&)/ge;
    return $_;

sub dump_lynx_txt {
    my $url = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    local *F;
    open(F,"|lynx -dump -nolist - > \Q$file") or die "lynx error:$!";
    print F $url;

sub dump_wget {
    my $url = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    system('wget', '--quiet', '-O', $file, $url);

sub getfile($) {
    my $f = shift;
    local *F;
    open(F, "<$f") or croak "getfile:cannot open $f:$!";
    my @r = <F>;
    return wantarray ? @r : join ('', @r);

=head1 NAME

report-new.pl - Report new material on a web page

=head1 SYNOPIS

  report-new.pl [switches] URL


Reports new material on a web page.  Typically used as a cron job.

  -h    Print help and exit.
  -v    Print version of the program and exit.
  -e email Sends output, if not empty, to email.
  -D dir  Working directory.  By default, ${HOME}/agn is used if
        exists, otherwise the current directory.
  -d method Dumping method.  The default is lynx_txt; the other
        option is wget.
  -p procf  Input processor.  There is supposed to be a file named
        procf that can be 'require'-ed, which defines a subroutine
        named procf, which is used to filter the file before making
        diff.  The escape string '!KEEP: ' can be left at the
        beginning of the lines which we want to appear in diff
        whenever there is a difference.


POSIX qw(strftime);
uses diff, lynx or wget, sendmail (if option -e is used).



=head1 README

Reports new material on a web page.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 THANKS

I would like to thank Peet Moris for bug reports and comments.


Copyright 2000-7 Vlado Keselj F<http://www.cs.dal.ca/~vlado>

This script is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

The latest version can be found at F<http://www.cs.dal.ca/~vlado/srcperl/>.
